Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Comes Early in Aranuka

December 21, 2014

Mauri Christmas!

So this week was unusually boring, the only thing that was exciting is that transfers have gone through and I am going to Tarawa. No clue what area in Tarawa but Tarawa none the less. So good bye bucket and cup showers, hello running water soft beds and ice cream.

So I would like to write another heart felt email. It may be partly
because of home sickness or just the fact that I miss Christmas
decorations and but I want to write of the importance of this time of
year. This message is the same message that Myself and over 88,000 other full time missionary have left home, family, and friends to give. 
                                                                                                                           Picture by Liz Lemon
It's the Message of the Redeemer of the World. Jesus Christ, a king born of royal lineage, 

but born in the poorest conditions. He lived the life wandering thru Jerusalem healing, teaching, and loving all that came to him. He taught to love everyone even your enemy. He taught that no man is cast away from His grace, that all can be saved.

His life ended abruptly but he gave it so that everyone of us could
return to our Father in Heaven. Let's not forget the reason this time
of year is celebrated. Through all the gift giving let's remember the gift that Christ gave to us. The greatest gift ever given; the gift of hope that every man and woman can return to our Father in Heaven. 
Come. Let us adore him.

Picture by Liz Lemon

I want to close this email with my testimony in Kiribati. Keep in mind all you fluent Kiribati speakers that I am better at talking then
I ataia bwa e bon kouaua te ekeretia aio. e bon kouaua e maui Iesu
Kristo, ao e tangeringkami Iesu Kristo. e ataia bwa ngkana kam tataro kam na nameken kimweareirei. n aran Iesu kristo Amen.
Elder Johnson

P.S. When you get all bundled up to go shove your walks, think of me biking around on a tropical island or sitting in the shade of a palm tree because I will be thinking of all of you!

December 14, 2014


This week something amazing has happened. A man we have been teaching named Abera is paralyzed. A few months before I arrived he had a Bike accident that resulted in the lose of being able to move his body except for muscle spasms. He and his wife, Atinta accepted to hear our lessons. We have been teaching them for almost 2 months. Abera has never asked us to heal him, nor have we felt prompted to ever tell him to "arise and walk". This week we where teaching him at his home about faith. After I bore my testimony about how faith in Christ and how repentance can heal all wounds he began to cry. He expressed his love for us and for the gospel. He then said he knows our words are true and that in the passed through faith in our word he has not only felt spiritually healed, but physically. It was at that moment that I realized the truth of that statement. He could not walk nor sit up, but he could move his left hand, his neck. and wiggle his feet. His healing has been so gradual that lesson by lesson I had not seen it, but know looking back I see how much he could do.

He has taught me an important lesson about faith. It truly can heal
all wounds. Sometimes we may feel spiritually paralyzed we can't move because of an event in the past that is stopping us, but because of Christ we can all be healed. It may not be an "Arise and walk" healing, but as we slowly start to exercise faith we will be healed it may be so gradual that you may not even see it at first. But as time goes by and you look back you can see just how far you have gotten.

Abera is not the only one I've seen healed. I've seen mother's who hate their kids slowly gain patience and love through following in faith the Savior's example. I've seen feuds end, men and kid change, drunks go sober, and chain smokers stop cold turkey because they have faith in the words of Christ that say it can happen.

I know with all my heart that this church is true, Christ heads this
church and in his time anything is possible (because his time is
eternal). I know the prophet is called of God, and that I am called by Him. l Love all of you and hope this Christmas season brings much joy.


Elder Johnson

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Sometimes it Rains..A Lot!

November 30, 2014

Mauri Everyone,

So my companion and I have been trying to meet will less actives. in the process of looking we found an old lady who seemed like a hopeless case. All she did was smoke, make cigeretts, sleep, and eat. We when to her house often, because her son feeds us. We attempted to talk to her; Boy did it pay off. At first she didn't want to talk. We found out that The Elders that baptized her knew she didn't have a testimony, but baptized her anyway. She didn't trust the missionaries after she feel away. We started just trying to be nice to her. Later she started wanting to play cards with us and the cards lead to her being my favorite old lady on the island. When we came one night for dinner she said, "Ah, my grandchildren have returned." She then started getting angry when people came to buy cigarettes when we where there and know she has started to sell gum instead of cigarettes. She is unable to come to church because she has problems with her feet but I can tell the gospel is back in her life. It taught me the importance of kindness. I hope everyone's week was good and that you can all feel God's love.
Elder Scott Johnson

November 23, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving,

This is one of my favorite holidays. It is a day we binge on turkey and stuffing because pilgrims wanted to be free. Sadly pilgrims never came to Kiribati so no turkey dinner for me. But I will talk about an equally uncelebrated holiday, Halloween. Because internet was down I never got to tell you the spooky things that happen here on Aranuka, so I will now. My 1st or 2nd week here we where riding down the rode to Baura (the farthest city from us on Aranuka. on the way, we past more then a dozen dead mice. I told my companion what I saw and he said, "Oh, it's because this areas haunted." It was so casual that I thought he was joking. But when I looked at him I saw that he was completely serious. That night riding thought that area, it was so quiet it was spooky. No birds calls and nothing was moving. A Less active woman that we commonly visit lives close to that area. She is usually very funny, but we went to visit her late one night and as we approached she had a look of complete fear. When she saw it was us she calmed down. She later told us that around that same time every night two ghosts visit here. I think we scared her because I'm so pale I must look like a ghost. That it for my spooky stories. 

I'm going to miss that delicious American food. First thing when I get home I want to go to Chili's and eat salsa and hamburgers (because there is literally no hamburgers in Kiribati). I hope the dinners are delicious for all of you. I will eat
some fish.

Love all of you,
Elder Scott Johnson

Scott's Mission Plaque in his home ward in Spanish Fork, Utah

November 16, 2014


Sorry for not emailing the mass email for a while. The internet went down on the island. The past 3-4 weeks have had been crazy. I've had highs and I've had lows. I baptized a girl named Tekeena and I saw a miracle through a priesthood blessing. 

We commanded a lady with a neck problem to be healed and she was better the second after the blessing. I've also seen lows. One of the people I helped baptize has fallen away. He was so strong. It hasn't even been 2 month and he refuses to come to church. Another thing is that the Catholic father is being ordained this week so some people are acting like we are at war; fighting with those who take lessons with us. But God is still with us. I know that because even in this hard time people are still asking for lessons.

One of the favorite verses I have found is Alma 29:9. 
(I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.)
It talks about how Alma glories in the commandment of God because he gets to be a tool for good in the hands of God. I feel that same way about my call. I love all of you and wish you a great week.

Sorry for how short this email is.
Love you all,

Elder Scott G. Johnson

November 9, 2014

(This is the email I got this week from our Elder Johnson. I thought you might enjoy reading what he would like for Christmas. Things most of us find easily accessible are a rare treasure to this young man. All of our Missionaries are giving up some things they love to, in some small way, express their gratitude to The Lord for the blessings in their lives. This Thanksgiving time is truly a time to thank our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ for all we have, even Spam, Cheetos and Oreos.) 

Note: If you want to send Scott something for Christmas, use the address Tarawa, Kiribati address. The cost for mailing from the Mission Home in the Marshall Islands is very expensive.

Elder Scott G Johnson
Moroni High School
PO Box 278
Bikenibeu, Tarawa
Republic of Kiribati
(Central Pacific)

If you look at the local weather for Aranuka, you can see that there is a reason the islands in Kiribati are called Tropicalit rains most of the time while temperatures remain high. 

Photo found on the imternet

November 3, 2014 

Mom and Dad,
I want to email you both to let you know I'm not Died (or hurt in
anyway). A storm knocked out the cell tower so they had to fly People from Tarawa to fix it. Internet may be to slow to send a mass email so if I don't get one off please forward this. I love both of you and hope everything is going well.

-Elder Scott Johnson

Thursday, October 16, 2014

October in Aranuka

October 30, 2014 

Note from Mom: 
There wasn't an email sent during the last two weeks of October. Scott has been very consistent about writing each week. I will keep you all posted on his status if I get a letter in the mail from him.

October 19, 2014


Davis has just left. We worked hard our last week but now he is
opening an area. There was a last minute change in Elders coming here. My new companion is Elder Afatasi. He has a desire to be exactly obedient which is exactly what this area needs. He is Samoan but he is from America. He has been pushing me in the language which is good and I've learned a lot.

Lessons this week have gone awesome. One of our investigators has stopped smoking because he found for himself that the church was true. Another had an amazing experience with feeling the Holy Ghost. Also when I was teaching a lesson with Afatasi, a man came in with his sick daughter in his arms. He asked us to bless her and so we did. The next day she was fine. That was a really amazing moment. I've seen this area grow spiritually so much.

The 16th was my birthday and one of the families found out and  went all out. They cooked many lobsters and baked a chocolate cake. If internet wasn't so slow I would send those pictures now. It was a great 19th birthday though, even though i wasn't home for it.

I've have really come to love this area and love the people. I don't know when I will be transferred but I hope it's not soon. 

I love you all and hope that everything is going well back home.


Elder Scott Johnson

October 12, 2014


Funny story. Elder David was never brought to the airport so Davis is here for another week until the plane comes back. Elder Davis wasn't to happy about that. He was really hoping to leave.  We both knew that The Lord had a reason for it but we didn't know why. Later that day we taught an investigator that needed to here the message that Davis gave. He told me after that most everything he said was different then what he wanted to say but it came out exactly how the investigator needed to here it. 

So I should be a little more honest about my bike crash. First off Mom I'm sorry for down playing it. The truth is that I was biking down the runway when the chain broke and I went over my bike. I ate it pretty hard and messed up my thumb. The doctor told me that I've made a recovery faster then he thought. It's been a week 2 week and he said it looks like I've never been in a crash. I put in a picture of me right after the crash. 

The other picture is when I climbed down the well to retrieve the bucket I dropped. I got the picture from Elder Davis of me getting the bucket...after i dropped it in.

There was something else I wanted to write about but I forgot. Sorry everyone. Next week I will write it down and send it to you. I love you all.


Elder Scott G. Johnson

October 6, 2014


Sorry about not writing yesterday. It was a national Holiday so the government buildings where closed including computers. 

So I've come to a shocking realization. I'm getting fat. I tried to get my pants on my pants and I had to suck in a lot. I've been told there's to kinds of missionaries, the kind that get fat and the kind that lose weight. I'm glad that I'm not the latter thought. The food here was hard to get use to but know it's delicious. The different fish I've eaten are Flying fish, Shark, Sword Fish, Barracuda, and my favorite Mantice Shrimp. it tastes like buttered lobster. 

This week we rode out to Tekaiang. It's an hour boat ride and its rather expensive to get out there. We had 4 lessons out there and we held Sacrament Meeting out there too. Sad thing is I got burnt. I looked like a lobster for 2 days then it blended in. 

I have just gotten news that Elder Davis is being transferred this week we is headed to Abwatal (part of Tarawa Ieta). He will be replaced by Elder David from the Micronesian lslands. 

Sorry that I cant write much. I'm almost out of time. and I need at least 5 minutes to send this message. After this week I will try to send photos again.

Love all of you,

Elder Scott G. Johnson

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Third and Fourth Week in Aranuka Brings Blessings

September 28, 2014


This week has been amazing! My companion and I had set a goal to reach 20 lessons (It's hasn't ever happened in my companions time on his Mission). After setting that goal we prayed and asked God to help us with our goal. We got to the end of the week and we were short two lessons. We offered another pray and that day two more lessons then we had planned came up. We ended up missing our goal by one but we have two investigators who seem censer.

We finally contacted one of the daughter of the Catholic family I had talked about. She is a golden investigator she does the commitments that we ask her to do, and she reads the Book of Mormon. Our last lesson with her though, a man came and tried to bible bash us. He made up scriptures and interrupted us every time we tried to talk to the girl. At church she told us what happened after we left. The man confronted her mom and said, "Do you want your daughter to be a Mormon!?" Her mom responded, "Yes, and I will be one too." We haven't even taught her and she knows it's true.

The Lord is with us, I know it for a fact. I love this Church. I know Jesus Christ is the head of our Church and that there is a Prophet today. I know that there is a life after this and that God wants all of his children to return to him.

-Elder Scott G. Johnson

 Monday we went to the Mangroves.  I'm on a branch. It was like stepping into a rainforest

September 22, 2014

Let me give a big welcome from Aranuka. The internet was down yesterday so I'm emailing out today. This has been a good week. Elder Davis and I had the opportunity to baptize 2 of God's children, Mwanwara and Ngatoro. The spirit was present at the baptism and it was a great time. I love it here in Aranuka. The work here was really slow at first but it is starting to spread like a wild fire. Davis and I are doing all we can and we are being blessed for it.

Mwanwara and Ngatoro before their Baptism

It's funny, The Lord has a since of humor sending me out here. I love the news. Reading about what's going on in the world was one of my favorite things to do before the mission. Now I hear nothing or "way out there" news. For example; there is man here that told me ICEIS, the terrorist cell, has invaded Australia and enslaved the country. That wound defiantly be news if it's happened.

A few days ago I was riding my bike and the chain came off. I ended up falling off my bike. I'm fine, but I had my camera that was in my pocket got smashed. I will send it home. It bugs me. I've never broken expensive stuff until now. If I had bought a protective case before I left, things would have been different. 

It is very sad to hear about Brother Byrne. (From my home ward) He was one of the first role model I had in Spanish Fork. He was an amazing leader and an even better friend to all of us. I will miss him. But I feel that this wasn't before his time. The Lord kept him going so he could see EVERYONE of his first deacons get their mission calls. I love everyone back at home. Please give them my best. 


Elder Scott G. Johnson

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week Two in Aranuka

September 15, 2014


Its week is week 2 in Aranuka. I'm doing well and learning the
language faster then I expected. I'm already starting to learn a lot
of basic things to say but hey, its a start. A fun word I've found is
Akiakaka. There is no exact translation, the closest thing to it is "It
doesn't matter."

This morning I was drawing up water and dropped the bucket in the
well. It was fun to climb down and grab the bucket. (My companion has
that picture and I will send it next week.)

New interesting culture update; some children are raised to hate the
Mormons. The Catholics are the strongest against us. Some won't even
look at us as we ride past on our bikes. They must say really bad
stuff because there kids act out on what they say. Two days ago I had a
kid (no older then four) yell a swear word at me and try to throw a
branch into the spokes of my tire in hope of breaking my bike. It was
really surprising and sad that his parents hate us so much that their
four year old kids try to hurt us.

In happier news though our two investigators are progressing well
towards baptism and will have their interview this Tuesday. We were
worried though because they were the only people we were teaching.
But we kept praying and we got one new progressing investigator and
one possible. The Lord is providing for us.

Thank you for all the support you're showing back home. I can see that a
lot is happening at home good and bad. But I am reminded of the word
of God to Joseph Smith when he was in liberty jail; that "thou art not
yet as Job" and it was because his friends did stood by him.

Thank you for all the support that I am getting from home. I know that
even in the hardest time that my friends and my family are there for
me. Until next time I love all of you.

Elder Scott G. Johnson

P.S. I think the Internets to slow right now to send pictures so I
won't (sorry).
Also you can still send packages to Tarawa but it will be 3-4 times
more expensive. You would send it to Moroni High School ( I believe) 

Moroni High School
PO Box 278
Bikenibeu, Tarawa
Republic of Kiribati
(Central Pacific)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Island of Aranuka

First Week in Aranuka

September 8, 2014

Kam ni bene ni Mauri,

I have finally arrived at my Mission Area. Early on Tuesday morning we hoped on a plane that would take me ( and 3 others) to our mission areas. When we landed, we hopped on some bikes and rode to our small two room house. 

We live a very basic life out there and the two objects powered by electricity in the house are a fan (which brings me so much joy) and a CB radio ( which is the only way to report our stats to the zone leaders in Tarawa.)

The funny thing is we are the only 2 Imetongs on the island. The work here has been slow. Half the Island is Catholic and the other half is KPC (Kiribati Protestant Church).  Most people here refuse to hear our message in fear of the ministers.

The culture out here is funny, most people on Aranuka don't know much about America. I've had kids ask me is I have ever killed someone or fought in a war. A 50 year old woman asked us if people shot at us in the streets in America because that's what happens in Hollywood. I think its really funny. 

Aranuka translated in to English means "Our Middle" which is true it is the hottest island and rests right on the equator. there are also LOTS of mosquitoes here where I put bug spray on i just sweat it off. I counted my bites and I had 53 (mostly on my feet). The food is so good here i eat a lot and my stomach hates me for it.

Elder Davis is an extremely hard working missionary. His last companion was a good Elder from what I heard but didn't work as hard as he should have. Me and Elder Davis desired that we will follow with exact obedience. Almost 2 hours later we heard about a family that wanted to talk to us because they believed the "message of the Mormons." It was a true blessing and a sign from God. We have seen this whole week God bless us from our obedience. In the past 6 months there has only been 1 baptism and now we have 2 people with baptismal dates.

My Companion - Elder Davis

I know God loves these people and he has prepared them to here his message at this time. I know the church is true. this is gods church and his work. thank you for all the support you have given me.

Elder Scott G. Johnson

P.S. Mission president has asked that no packages are sent to missionaries in Kiribati thru the Marshall Islands. the price for packages from The Marshall's has tripled so the church can't afford it. Thank you. Tiabo (good bye)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Two Months As A Missionary

Scott has been called to Serve as a Missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Kiribati Islands, part of the Marshall Island Mission, for a period of two years.

Join us in his journey of blessing the lives of others and being blessed by the people of the islands as well. You will see the Lord work miracles in many lives through this blog in the next two years. A demonstration of the great love that God has for each one of us.

I want you all to know how very grateful I am for your love and support of this young man. Thank you doesn’t seem to adequately express my appreciation for my son having such incredible friends, leaders and family who are always there. I sincerely thank you!  

Monday, September 1, 2014 

Mauri everyone,

Here I am on Tarawa. I leave to Aranuka on Tuesday (Today is Monday for me). This first week has been amazing everyone in my intake (came in on the same day) was paired with a zone leader, every but me. I got the better end of the deal though. I was put with a district leader (Elder Fausett), his companion (Elder Tapo'osi) and an Elder from Kiribati.

The area I'm in is called Bairiki. its one of the 11 cities on Tarawa. This is a strong area here with around 31 lessons a week. We go on splits and do two appointments at once.

To answer questions I got: I did get you letter Brody while I was in the MTC. thank you I blew most the money on food and soda on my way to Kiribati. I have missed caffeine. The people here are so kind. They have small homes, and most homes are very run down, but some how all of them have iPads, iPhones, Laptops, and flat screens TVs. We live in a nice flat. One room is air conditioned and it's fairly large. I'm surprised. I still haven't eaten any fish. I've had canned meat and rice and in actually surprised how good that is. Cool story; yesterday we had no food and no dinner appointments set up. When we got home there was only one Mountain house meal. We split it up and ate a small portion. After we ate, all of us where filled up though. The weather here is hot. There is rarely and its usually broken clouds. The music they listen to is anything up-beat. American, Spanish, Kiribati. It doesn't matter. If it's up-beat they like it.

These people are so chill on our way to town we flag any flat bed truck and it will give us a ride for free. Every appointment I've been to, the investigator has been late too because there's no reason to rush.

Will tomorrow I hop on a 4 person plane and fly out. Wish me luck and I will email again next Monday.

Elder Scott G. Johnson

PS: I forgot to tell you don't send any more packages because they have tripled the price of packages. The mission home pays for packages, but its costing too much to send to Kiribati.

We are teaching a whole girls soccer team and 2 where baptized and 3 have a baptism day set

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Have landed safely in Tarawa and already have my call. I am going to Aranuka a few islands south of Tarawa. Good news is that I will have internet. This is just a message letting you know I made it safe. my P-day is on Monday so i will email then. I want to say something cool though; this group is the one opening all the islands. Every island will be opened and have missionaries on them by Tuesday. The Lord is hastening His work and we are a great part of it.

Elder Scott G. Johnson

Friday, August 22, 2014

Mauri Everyone,

I've decided to start doing mass messages because it's been really hard to send emails to everyone that writes me in an hour. This is my final P-day here at the MTC! I am way excited to get in the field. My flight plan is that I leave on the 26th, we fly to LAX, after that we fly to Fiji and then to Tarawa. 22 hours of travel in all. 

My last P-day was really good. I woke up early and headed to a temple session at 7am. After that I went to breakfast at the Temple and it's the best breakfast I've had scene I have been here. We also got a haircut. I've been told about how amazing the vacuum thing was, but it was even better then I was thinking it would be. This week was good. It was kind of long though with packing and all.

One thing I need to write though is that email is rare an the islands very few of the 17 islands have internet so it may take week of even months to hear from me. If I am in an outer island on Christmas they will let me Skype when I get to Tarawa. but if you don't hear from me next week it means I was sent to an outer island. 

Will this is all I have to report. Mom and Tiff thank you for the bagels. my companions got to then before me but they left three. They where great. Dad thanks for the Dear Elder. The candy was great and it was great to here from you. 

Will I got to go but I hope all of you have a great week.


Elder Scott G. Johnson

Friday, August 15, 2014

 Mauri Mom,

I got your letters and package and thank you. Also thank you Alan, and Diane and Mike. I got your letters and they where awesome. I will write and send you letters later today. Mom I know you've been worried because my emails haven't been to long, that's because the MTC is getting really boring and there isn't much to talk about other than the fact that I really want to leave. I should be getting my flight plan either today or tomorrow which makes me excited! I had a very cool experience this week that helped me out a lot. This whole week i've been struggling just making it day by day. I felt like the trials just kept getting harder and I wasn't getting any help. But I was listening to Elder Uchtdorf's talk on gratitude. He spoke about being grateful for trials in our life and said to trust that even though we don't understand right know that one day we will. After reading that I gave a prayer of gratitude and I have been getting blessings ever since. Oh! I forgot to tell you, you might be excited to hear that I joined the choir. Its been a great experience. Sorry I didn't write much but I don't know what else I can say. I love you and hope you have a great week. 


Elder Scott G. Johnson

Here is the link to Elder Uchtdorf's April 2014 Conference Talk on Gratitude:

"Being Grateful in our circumstances is an act of faith in God. It requires that we trust God and hope for things we may not see but which are true. By being grateful, we follow the example of our befoved savior, who said, 'not my will, but thine, be done.'"  ~ President Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Friday, August 8, 2014

Mauri Mom,

I get to go to the Temple once a week on ____ morning (Don’t think about trying to get in to the same session as me). Ha! Church at the MTC is kind of a 24/7 thing. It feels like one never ending church block. haha. But truthfully its pretty good. They are very short. We usually have one 10 minute speaker. The reason we have that meeting is only to partake of the Sacrament. This weeks been kind of crazy we have found out that the people are very lazy in speech so they have a lot of exceptions to the grammar. Also being away from the family has been hard, but almost every time I’ve prayed God has answered my prayers, and prays he doesn’t answer, if I take a step back, I find that what I was asking for was either selfish of unimportant. I have also found a way to up load photos! So here are some.

Love your son,
Elder Scott G. Johnson

Friday, August 1, 2014 

Mauri Mom,

The weight gain has slowed. I’ve lifted everyday this week and only gained a pound. haha. The MTC is going well. We are now getting into the difficult language study. I’m having troubles keeping up but I’m sure that I will get it eventually. Anyways the MTC fells like it’s taking forever to get over. All I want to do is see the islands. I officially desired that the island zone is the party zone. When other zones are sitting around in their rooms we party in the halls, share food and play games. For example: we have FIFA Mondays. We can’t have Soccer balls so we put a roll of toilet paper in a rubber glove and kick it around. Also we do "freeze darts" where if you make eye contact you make an imaginary blow dart pipe and shot them. If no one touches them, they half to stay there. That's all for now but I hope your well. Love you


Elder Johnson

Friday, July 25, 2014

Mauri Mom,

I have some bad news. I've been taking photos but the MTC blocks all USB devises so I cant send pictures for the next five weeks. Also I found out that not to many islands out there have internet. So letters will be the only way of talking. Though I have found out a lot about the island. All of the outer islands are very kind and treat the missionaries as honored guests. There are no tree rats on the islands and let Dave know sea turtle is an uncommon dish...but dog is. There are so many other cool and weird things that I cant think of, but I am loving the people and the place already.

Here at the MTC things and getting boring and repetitive. My usual scheduled is wake up, eat, class, eat, class, eat, class, sleep, and repeat. Five weeks feels like too long and I just want to go serve already! I have been working out everyday (except Sunday) and have gained 4 pounds. Also this week I ran into "Sister Record" which was really cool. My district is doing well and I’m loving them. Last Sunday a Seventy came and spoke and it was really cool. I’ve also been reading in the Bible. In the New Testament, Jesus tells a young man to give up everything and serve him and the young man doesn't because he "had much.” Jesus has asked he the same. He asked me to give up collage, my job, and my amazing friends and family, and I answers, " I will.” I know I’m doing what God wants me to do and that not only me, but everyone I know will be blessed. 

Thank you for your love and support you send me. Send my love to everyone

Elder Scott G. Johnson

Highlights from Elder Johnson’s last four emails:

Friday, July 18, 2014 

Mauri Mom!

My first few days here have been awesome! There so much I want to say and so little time to say it. First off I will be learning the Kiribati here and will be staying for 6 week. I love my companions. There are 9 missionaries in my class and I was grouped with two other elders and was made senior companion. My companions are Elder Stone and Elder Musser. Elder Stone is a Samoan from Iowa and Elder Musser is from Las Vegas. i love these elders and I know God does too.

 Kiribati is going better then i thought it would. I am already praying in the language. There are only 13 letters in the alphabet and most ever word is made of sounds. Today we will teach our first investigator. The Lord is definitely blessing all of us because we have learned so quickly the language. There are 5 Elders in our room and one of them is Elder Smith. He is the one helping us learn the language the most he has flash cards all over the room.

In 2 days I ran in to 5 people i know. there are over 2000 missionaries here, and to add to that thought where we got here we sang the song "We are as the army of Helaman," but we changed the word at the end from "We will be" to "We are now the Lords missionaries." There was a power in that room as we sang. I know that this is Gods work. I have felt the spirit more there ever before in my life. I know God will help you more with things back at home while I serve. I love all of you and I know God will bless you all.

Love Elder Johnson